Comprehensive study materials are included in a sturdy ringbinder giving easy access in referring back to notes on any subject at any time.
Lectures are given exclusively by practitioners with many years of experience. In addition each example is taken from actual patient records and is complemented by first class iris photos on large format screens. Case histories will be embellished with tips from the practice and therapy suggestions.
Our professional training in Iridology guarantees the highest level of theoretical quality and practical information. This is a solid foundation for certification as an Iridologist by The Felke Institute.
Certification is voluntary and not a requirement.
- Germany
- English Iridology Course 1 + 2 + 3 + Practical Training
- max. 10 participants
The course starts on Monday 10 o' clock
and ends on Friday 16 o' clock
€ 1590.00
- english textscripts
- fotoscripts
- single bed room (4 nights, from Monday to Friday)
- all meals and breakfast
- soft drinks
- german tax
- Iridology on the highest level
- a lot of knowledge and fun